

Thursday, February 23, 2017

Guided Reading FFF 021417

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

     At our MOY meetings, we spent some time discussing our new Scholastic Book Room and Guided Reading.  Several teachers mentioned that they were never trained in Guided Reading and expressed an interest in learning the most effective way to teach it. 
     For the 2017-2018 school year, we will be using a Literacy Framework that includes Guided Reading as a part of our reading block. A friend passed along the following information and a website for Jen Bengel.  She has experience in training, curriculum writing, and as a Literacy Collaborative Coordinator.  Her experiences helped her narrow down Guided Reading into 6 steps.  She believes that these steps can be used at any level and offers consistency across the levels.  My hope is that you will find this information useful and a jumpstart for next year.

     Jen can be found at Out of This World Literacy, http://www.outofthisworldliteracy.com/6-steps-in-guided-reading/   where she offers frees samples of Guided Reading Objectives and Independent Extensions.  Best of all, she has a free Guided Reading Webinar, where she explains each step and shows examples.  Her next one is Tuesday, February 28th @ 7:30 p.m.  I would be happy to stay and project it ~ we can order pizza and make an evening of learning together ~ RSVP soon!


Weekly Reminders

Monday:       WIDA Assessment Continues
                    5th Grade MOY EDIS Science Test Continues
Tuesday:      8:45-11:00 -  School wide FSA Writing Test
Wednesday: 7:35 – Master Schedule Committee Meeting
Thursday:    7:35 – FLM Traditional
          K-2 Dental Sealants
Friday:         K-2 Dental Sealants

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