

Thursday, March 2, 2017


Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

The entire time I was at the Future of Education Technology Conference, everyone talked about innovations in education. So I wonder do we we all know the definition?

  1. the action or process of innovating.
    • a new method, idea, product, etc.
      plural noun: innovations

      "technological innovations designed to save energy"

Innovating in the educational system can be lonely. Here is a quick funny video for this Friday.

It is time for innovation in education. Be prepared to be lonely at first when you innovate and push back against the status quo.

Be an innovator! 

Thanks for all you do, 

Weekly Reminders:

Monday - Fire Drill 9am
Tuesday - SAC/PTO @ 5:30pm
Wednesday - NET Mtg @ 7:35
Thursday - PLC Thinking Maps @ 7:35; Reflex Ice Cream Party; 1st grade Field Day 
Friday - Teddy Bear Picnic and Science Fair 

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