

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 1.4.2021

Happy New Year.  Keli and I both were able to relax and enjoy our families over the Winter Break and it was much needed.  So I hope all of you were able to do the same.  Your work is much appreciated, especially this year, and that break although short was well-deserved.  

On the first day of school this year way back in August, we gave you Mission Possible shirts.  These shirts and the message from administration has remained the same.  Clearly it is understood that this is a difficult school year.  I'm not going to go through the obstacles, but some are impossible to ignore.  We can't control them, but we can control our attitude and effort.

Be sure to reflect on the mission that was given at the beginning of the school.  DCES was going to be the school that remembered the power of Nothing Less Than Our Success and GRIT.  How will you control your attitude and effort the remainder of this school year?  How will you help your students do the same?  Is DCES a better place each day because you are here?

Let's have a great second half of this 2020 - 2021 school year.  Happy New Year.  

James and Keli

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