

Monday, January 18, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 1.19.21

 We hope you all had a restful three day weekend!  This week is short, but brings some schedule changes as it is back-to-back planning week.  I apologize for the length of this memo... but there is some important information that pertains to our planning sessions this week!

Collaborative Planning - Data Day

Our students have just completed their middle of year assessment in STAR.  This is a great opportunity for us to check in on the progress of our students to see how they have been doing with a semester of our instruction under their belts.  The primary function of STAR progress monitoring is to check in frequently on the overall progress of our students.  This particular assessment is brief which allows us to assess more frequently to look at the trends of our students.  Looking at this data is different than looking at the i-Ready data that we are used to, but it yields great information.  Marie has been working hard to put together a brief data for teachers during this week's collaborative planning sessions.  She is going to try to get through her data session and still leave your team time for planning.  Please keep the following things in mind as you go into these sessions:

1. STAR is new to all of us.  Looking at and understanding the data will be a learning curve for all of us.  Marie has gathered a few reports that we think will be helpful to dive into now.  You may also have questions that she may not be able to answer as she is learning this program as well.  Be open and receptive during these sessions, and know that if Marie does not have the answer to a questions that you have that she will track it down for you as quickly as possible following your session.

2. Data is data.  It is not personal.  Please go into this session with an open mind and a willingness to learn, grow, and help one another.  Our students are not just numbers, and neither are we as educators. Please know that we think of you and our students as more than just that!  But, these numbers do help us in making decisions.  They help us determine if we are on the right path and if we are making the right decisions in how we spend our minutes in our daily instructionally.  There will be times for all of us, that a peer will have better data than we do.  It is important that we take a moment to ask them what they may be doing that has helped lead them there.  In addition, it is important for those of you that may have successful data in an area to really be reflective about why your data may be that way and share your strategy with your peers, no matter how simple your technique may be.  There was a teacher that I was working with years ago that said, "I think my data is good in math because I hold students accountable."  I was surprised by that statement and asked them to elaborate.  They said, "No matter what, I do not accept them not trying.  I show them I love them, and that because I do, I expect them to do what I know they are capable of doing."  I went to her room to observe.  What she said was absolutely true.  I don't think I had ever seen a teacher love so deeply, but also expect nothing less than full effort from her students.  There was a true desire from the students to prove to their teacher that they could live up to what she believed in them!

3. Celebrate!  When looking at the data we are seeing so many things that we are excited about! Please make sure that you take a moment to stop and celebrate what you are happy to see in your data and your teams data.  This year has been unlike no other.  We have been up against barriers and our students are working to overcome a period of time that they can't necessarily get back.  We have made strides during a period of time that is difficult.  We need to take a moment and breathe... feeling proud of what you have already accomplished.  

4. Change is hard.  Sometimes, when we look at data it makes us aware of a change that needs to be made.  Change is scary, but sometimes we need to jump in and own it!  This year especially, we need to maximize every move we make and moment in the day for our students.  As you examine your data for this first data day, think about the big picture.  For example, are you completing a daily activity with your students that is currently taking too long and not yielding the results that you would have hoped?  Would those minutes better be served with another task?  Are you using your paraprofessional as effectively as possible?  Is there a group of students that would benefit from some positive reinforcement and accountability to increase their motivation or use of strategies?  Are you planning for guided reading well and using the time that students are in centers to get the biggest bang for your buck? Is your mindset right when working with a particular group of students or in a particular subject area?  Do they see your belief in them or your excitement for the content? 

Community of Leaders

James and I found out last week that we were selected by the University of Washington and the Florida Department of Education to participate in a cohort group of school and district leaders from across the state that we had applied for.  Throughout the remainder of the year we will be participating in professional learning sessions and collaborative learning walk sessions that will grow us as instructional leaders.  Our first sessions begin this week virtually.  They, of course, were scheduled on Tuesday and Friday during your planning sessions.  We hate to miss your data days, but know that you are in good hands with Marie!  We are excited to be learning about the roll out of the new BEST standards and how to be prepared as instructional leaders throughout the upcoming years as we make this transition.  Phebe Westby has a quote that she says all the time by Maya Angelou that I love, "When you know better, you do better."  As new administrators we know that we have a lot to learn and are always seeking opportunities to do it collaboratively with others.  We hope to learn some amazing things that we will be able to pass on to all of you!

This Week's Schedule:

Have a great week,
Keli and James

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