

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 1.11.21

Thank You!

Thank you all for returning from winter break healthy, well-rested, and excited to see our Cubs.  Last week threw some unexpected things our way like splitting buses, late buses, new students, furniture deliveries, and more!  We were all tired by the end of the week... but we made it through. James and I say this a lot, but we really can't thank you enough for all you do to keep smiling! 

STAR Testing:

STAR testing takes place this week.  This is an important data point for us.  We have now had our students in school for in-person learning for two quarters and we can now get a pretty accurate estimate of how much progress they have made since returning from quarantine in August.  Please be sure that your students take this test seriously and have optimal test conditions.  Double check that accommodations are set to on for those students that need them and that you are actively proctoring during the assessment.  We will be looking at this data closely to determine what gaps we may need to still close and where we need to head to next.  We are excited to be turning the corner to collaboratively plan using student data during our next back-to-back session.

Paraprofessional Meetings:

We will be holding our January paraprofessional meetings on Monday.  Para Ones (grade level paras) will meet at 9:00 in room H-117.  Para Threes should coordinate with their teacher and attend either the 1:00 or 2:00 meeting which will also be held in H-117.  If Para Ones have STAR testing during the 9:00 time slot, they can pop into a 1:00 or 2:00 meeting as well.

Picture Retakes:

Picture retakes will be on Tuesday in rom F-101.  Alicen sent out a sign-up sheet for picture times. If you were not photographed as a staff member during the original picture day, please get your photo taken as well!

Report Cards:

The report card posting window opens on Monday.  Saturday is a teacher work day, but teachers are NOT required to report to work.  James and I will be opening the building on Saturday for anyone that does want to come in to work in their rooms.  It will be open from 8:00am-1:00 pm.  Coming in is completely OPTIONAL.  Report cards will be due by Monday, January 18 at 7:20 am.  

This Week's Schedule:

Looking forward to lots of great classroom observations this week! We will try to snap some photos and begin sharing out with you the greatness happening in all of our rooms.

-Keli and James

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