

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Technology 032417

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

Lucky Leprechaun has been such a great activity to add smiles to our faces after spring break. Thank you to everyone who has contributed toward those smiles! The upcoming canoe trip and baseball game should add some more smiles and smiles are one of the reasons DCES is so great!!!!

Technology continues to change and I appreciate all of you who embrace those changes and those of you that endure it with us. We can't ignore it as it is a part of our world now. Here is a great clip to help embrace technology. 

Thanks for all you do!

Weekly Reminders:

Monday - Report Cards go home 
Tuesday - FSA 3rd Grade ELA 
Wednesday - FSA 3rd Grade ELA 
Thursday - DPP EOY Due in Edivate 
Friday - PPC Meeting; Relay for Life 6pm-10pm

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