

Thursday, March 30, 2017

All Day Every Day - Deep Creek Students are Attending School

Yesterday, I was presented with data that I want to share with all of you.  It is data that should make us all proud because it definitely takes the whole Deep Creek School family to make these attendance numbers occur.  For the second consecutive year, DCES is leading the county when it comes to average daily attendance of our students.  Currently, 96.16% of our students are attending school each day.  This data is displayed on Chart 1 below.

Chart 2, which is also below, shows the percentage of our students that have missed 10% of daily instruction.  The chart again shows that DCES leads the county with 3.8% of our students missing 10% of instruction, which is 24 out of 637 students. 

The beginning of the year faculty meeting started with an agreement that WE ARE CUBS, and that agreement came with the pledge that as a school family, relationships would be built with students.  These relationships would help to build DCES as a place where students wanted to come each day.  It starts in the morning at bus stops (we have incredible bus drivers), it continues on campus where our entire staff (no group is excluded here, custodians, cafeteria staff, paras, front office, core) does an excellent job of creating an atmosphere where students want to arrive each morning. 

Congratulations to all of us for achieving these current numbers.  Looking forward to finishing the year and continuing to emphasize the importance of our students attending school and leading the way in these categories. 

Have a great weekend,

4/3      FSA Writing Make Up Testing 8:35am - 11:00am
4/4      Volunteer Breakfast 9:00am, CBT Test Training  Grade 3, 4, 5 Team Meetings,
            Student Leadership Team - 2:30pm, SAC/PTO 5:30pm
4/5      Mrs. McElroy off Campus - Principal's Meeting
4/6      Mrs. Brown off Campus in PM - Lead Teacher Meeting
           Awards: 4th 8:45am, 3rd 9:20am, 5th 10:00am
4/7      Mrs. McElroy off campus, Year Book Sock Hop in am

 Chart 1:
Average Daily Attendance 2016 - 2017 School Year
As of 3/30/17
School Percentage
Deep Creek 96.16
Sallie Jones 95.97
Myakka River 95.54
Kingsway 95.49
Meadow Park 95.27
Neil Armstrong 95.23
Vineland 95.04
East 95.04
Liberty 95.03
Peace River 94.74

Chart 2:

Number of Students Missing 10% of Instruction
As of 3/30/17
School Students Percentage
Deep Creek 24 3.8
Sallie Jones 49 7.6
Kingsway 48 7.7
East 71 9.5
Meadow Park 78 9.8
Vineland 64 10.1
Neil Armstrong 85 10.3
Liberty 66 10.8
Peace River 82 10.3

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