

Friday, January 27, 2017

Teachers Observing Teachers: Everybody Benefits

Teachers Observing Teachers:
Everybody Benefits

First, I would like to thank everyone for welcoming me into the Lead Teacher position.  It has been a whirlwind 3 ½ weeks.  I am enjoying the times when I am able to get into classrooms, see awesome learning going on, and view your great hallway displays.  I am grateful for the opportunity to be a part of it all in my new role.

As I travel the campus, I have been reflecting on my own teaching.  I have seen so many great strategies and activities that I wish I had used in my own classroom.  To that end, I encourage everyone to get out and walk around other hallways to see what is happening.  Call a colleague and arrange to visit one of their lessons during your planning time.  I know that you will be impressed and will find something useful to use in your own classroom.

I recently found educationworld.  It is an online resource where you can find quality, in-depth articles, news briefs, lessons, and resources.  It also has a library of professional development columns, including an article titled, Teachers Observing Teachers: A Professional Development Tool for Every School.”

The article quotes several educators, administrators, and researchers.  However, what I found most interesting was how it related so well to what I have been feeling as I am interacting with our amazing staff.  …“teacher observations that serve as vehicles for professional growth rather than performance evaluations have multiple benefits -- for teachers, administrators, and the school. More and more, administrators and teachers are viewing peer observation as a form of collaborative professional development. This kind of observation can yield its greatest benefits when used as a means of sharing instructional techniques and ideologies between and among teachers.”

I thought I would share some of the benefits of observation, and if you get a chance, read the article at http://www.educationworld.com/a_admin/admin/admin297.shtml

Teachers benefit from:
an opportunity to engage in reflective dialogue about their work.
the focused classroom support.
improvement of classroom practices.
support from an "expert" (peer) who understands the daily demands of the classroom.
satisfaction with one's work.
reduced job stress, especially for the new teacher.
a welcoming atmosphere for new teachers.
the comfort of knowing that someone is available to help, explain, and assist.

Administrators benefit from:
the opportunity for reflective dialogue with and among teachers.
an increased sense of shared responsibility.
an increased focus on student achievement.
an increased trust and collegiality among staff.
participation in a professional and collaborative learning community.
a cadre of self-reliant, confident teachers who love teaching.
enriched teacher efficacy
participation in a professional and collaborative learning community.

The school benefits from:
increased collaboration among teachers.
the establishment of a professional learning community.
an increased focus on student achievement.
enthusiasm for the teaching profession.

Weekly Reminders:

Monday: 1st and 4th Data Day
Tuesday: Mr. Vernon Off Campus/ Kinder and 5th Data Day
Wednesday: 4th and 5th Writing Practice
Thursday: FLM @ 7:35/Volunteer Training/Cornelison - CHEC Field Trip
Friday: PPC 

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