

Friday, January 6, 2017

New Year's Goals

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

Before Winter Break the Florida Department of Education rolled out a new website to assist parents with comparing schools in Florida and finding the "best' school for their child.  We tried to view this website at a Faculty Meeting, but did not find success with the network that morning.  Below is the link if you would like to explore the sire to see what it offers.
While I was looking through the site I found a blog titled, "10 Things to Notice When Touring a Potential School for Your Child."  I read through the article and decided that if the FL DOE was promoting these characteristics of schools that parents were supposed to be looking for that we should know them as well.  I also am happy to report that I believe that DCES exhibits these characteristics.  We are not perfect in all of them, but I know we have these same attributes on our minds when we come to school each morning.  I challenge each of us to pick one of these items and make it even better during the remainder of the 2017 school year.  I want it to be impossible for a parent,with this resource, to come to DCES and believe that we do not exhibit any of these proceeding items.
Based on United States Department of Education resources these are the top ten things to look for when touring a school.
  1. Communication of high expectations both verbally and in writing by the school’s administration and staff.
  2. Engaged students that are actively involved in learning. Look for evidence of classrooms being busier than hallways.
  3. Great teachers who engage families as partners in learning, express high expectations for all students, and are knowledgeable in their subject areas.
  4. Great principal who also engages families as learning partners and expresses high expectations for all students, and who supports and maintains knowledgeable staff.
  5. Vibrant parent-teacher organization that supports the school’s administration and staff and that actively encourages all parents to become involved.  
  6. Children are neither invisible nor scared to be at school.
  7. Gut reaction that this is the school for your child.
  8. Rigorous curriculum is in place for every child. It should be evident that academics are the priority.
  9. Families like yours are welcome, and their concerns are acknowledged. A respectful environment is key.
  10. You are satisfied with the school’s results on standardized tests and school report cards.

Thank you for all you do to make Deep Creek a great school.  I'm looking forward to finishing the year strongly.

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