

Friday, January 20, 2017

Mentoring Matters

Good morning-

In our Elementary world, we often get to work with bright-eyed, happy, and engaged students. Elementary school offers a safe environment where kids have fun while learning. Think of all of the great things we provide for and do for our kids each day.  (teddy bear picnic, glow run, leadership opportunities)  As students get older, there is a fear that some of our most needy or academically challenged kids will become disengaged from school, and may not finish high school or have a difficult time graduating on time.  This then leads to even more stress for the student and family.

I am taking a class called Mentoring Matters, being conducted by Sandi Currier, one of our School Social Workers. As one of our assignments, we read Don't Call Them Droupouts (see link below). I hope you take a look at this study...it is quite interesting. Although I can't just sum it up in a few words, I thought the 4 findings from the survey were interesting, especially finding #2. We work with many students here in our world who have to navigate "toxic environments"...abusive relationships, homelessness, family trauma, exposure to violence, school climates that are unsupportive or unsafe, and neighborhood violence.  Sometimes, it takes just one person to listen, without judgement, to help a student to navigate and find their way. As finding #4 suggests, students have resiliency and the drive to "bounce back", but they can't always do that alone.

Something to think about,

Disengagement and re-engagement
both result from clusters of factors.

Young people who leave high school are
often navigating toxic environments.

Young people consistently seek
supportive connections with others;
in toxic environments this search can
lead them toward or away from school.

Young people who stop going to school
are persistently resilient in their day-today
lives; they are bouncing back, but
need additional support to “reach up”
toward positive youth development.


Weekly Reminders:

Monday:  Celebrate Literacy Week begins; STEM Wars 5th grade invite only 6-7pm
Tuesday: NEHS induction 6pm
Thursday: PLC - Choice 

Celebrate Literacy Schedule:

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