

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weekly Message 4.6.20


We have survived our first week of eLearning!  Our Cubs have wrapped up their iReady diagnostic assessments and are hopefully settling into a routine.  Although this is not what any of us expected or wanted, we are here and are making the best of this crazy situation.  We again want to thank you for your calmness and patience during the last two weeks.  As plans were developed and launched into place you were there to support our families and students every step of the way. 

Stay at Home Order

On Sunday our families received their weekly call from us.  We let them know that with the new stay at home order that we had to close our campus.  This means that families will not be able to contact us via the phone in the front office.  We have asked families to reach out to teachers with any questions they may have and for teachers to then forward those questions to the appropriate staff member.  The District is in the process of creating a google form that parents can complete that will notify us of questions as well.  As soon as that is up and running we will let you know.  As of right now, the campus will be locked up other than visits that we will need to make to the school to complete things such as payroll and mailing out AR shirts to our students.  If you need anything from campus, please be sure to email one of us so we can make arrangements to help you.

Positivity and Celebrations

Some of our kiddos have some obstacles stacked against them as they are working from home.  Let's be the ones to spread some positivity into their days.  If interested, please take a photo of yourself holding a small sign/note for our Cubs and upload it to the shared google folder by clicking here.  We are also looking for some staff members to read a book to our students.  Once you record a video, please upload it to this folder by clicking here. Also, look for small accomplishments students are making academically.  Find creative ways to celebrate their success.  Some of our staff have already done small gestures that have made a big impact.  Sweet notes to them in their google classroom accounts, an old fashioned postcard in the mail, or a specific praise message sent via remind will brighten their day!

Big Bucket Book Bash

Our Big Bucket Book Bask kicks off this week!  A big thank you goes out to our committee and to Jackie Riddell for finding some creative options for hosting this year's event virtually.  Please be sure to see her presentation for the specifics and to encourage our Cubs to read, read, read.

Weekly Agenda

We had to make a few tweaks to our weekly agenda.  Please be sure to look at the revisions made to Wednesdays (core team) and Thursdays (staff meeting) on our calendar.  Remember, if you need to hold meetings with staff members you are always welcome to contact Keli to reserve DCE Meets at open time slots, or set up your own google meets meetings.  We are looking forward to meeting with you this week!

Hoping you have a great week.  Stay healthy and please be sure to let us know if you need anything!  Missing you all lots!
-Keli and James

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