

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Weekly Message 4.20.20

eLearning Week Four

It is hard to believe that we are heading into week four of virtual learning. This weekend we all also received the news that our school year will be continuing through a virtual platform throughout the remainder of the year.  Although this decision is understandable to keep everyone healthy, it is hard to believe that this is our new reality.  This announcement has brought forth many more questions for all of us.  How will students get their belongings in their classroom?  How will we say our end of school year goodbyes? We are working to make a plan for all of these questions and more.  As we solidify plans we will be sure to let you know as soon as possible.  If there is one thing that we have all learned through this pandemic it is that we are all in it for the kids and for each other... together we will always find a way to do what is right for our families and staff!

This week will continue with our regularly scheduled meetings.  Just a reminder, our staff meetings are scheduled for Thursdays at 1:00 pm.  These meetings are an important time for us to all come together and hear the most recent updates from the District and State as the staff meeting directly follows our morning principal and assistant principal meetings.  It is also just a great time to hear each other, post comments to one another, and feel connected as a whole staff.

iReady vs STAR

For those of you that are instructional staff, we are asking you to do a bit of research this week and share your thoughts with us about the possibility of us transitioning from the i-Ready assessment platform to the STAR platform.  Below are a few documents and videos that may assist you in learning a bit more about STAR.  One of the things we wanted to be sure that you were aware of is that STAR does not have its own interactive lesson path for students between assessment periods.  But, what they do have is a program that is called Freckle that we would like for you to look into as well.  The purchase of the STAR program would also allow teachers and students to continue our use of MyOn that we have been using the last few weeks during eLearning.  Once you do some research, please complete the survey link below by Friday to share your thoughts with us.

STAR Information:

Freckle Information:


Thank You

Thank you again for all you do.  We are seriously lucky to have such an amazing staff.  Take a deep breath, be sure to relax a bit, and soak up some of this extra time with your families too!  

-Keli and James

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