

Monday, May 27, 2019

McElroy Signing Out

Good Morning Deep Creek School Family, 

Yes my final MMM. Over the past six years I have written numerous Monday Morning Memos or Friday Fast Facts. Whatever they were called, I merely was trying to communicate frequently with you about what was happening here at DCES. Good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships. From that very first day on August 16, 2013 when I was so scared and wasn't exactly sure what I was going to do. I tried to do what was right by our Cubs with each decision I made. I know I have not been perfect but I have poured my heart into DCES. As with all good families, we have our Ups and Downs. Thank you for forgiving my mistakes and standing beside me in the good and bad. Most importantly, thank you for being the best staff you could be. I could not be more proud to say I was part of this wonderful place. 

We have come a long way TOGETHER! Some memories like above will be cherished always. Each of you will have a special place in my heart forever. James and I have worked so great together. I could not be more proud that he will lead DCES. I know you will all support him and continue to make sure DCES is a great place for everyone.

I BELIEVE in DCES! Keep pursuing nothing less than the success of DCES. I hope you continue to use technology as an accelerator to reach new heights.  

Many come through these doors each year but remember "Once a Cub, Always a Cub"! As we say goodbye to each other, Mrs. Abraham, Mrs. Malepart, and Mrs. Schulte, and our 5th graders. I hope everyone remembers that this isn't good bye it is just until next time! 

Always a Cub, 

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