

Sunday, January 7, 2018

One Word 2018

Good Morning Deep Creek School Family, 

2018 is off to such a positive start. I thank you all for all you do each day but it has been an exceptional return. Some may say it is because I had such a fabulous break, but I choose to believe it is because of what we all do together! As I reflect back on my years at DCES, I have to say I feel very blessed to work with each and every one of you. I feel we have a staff that exemplifies great character and competence. Having those two characteristics in our staff will enable us to succeed!

I issued the challenge to think of your #OneWord2018 and as usual many of our staff members stepped up to the challenge. The #OneWord2018 challenge is to pick one word that defines your goals, dreams, ambitions, and who you want to be in 2018 instead of making a list of resolutions. See below the collaborative list of our #OneWord2018.

I think together we make a pretty picture! Just as I believe this year we are going to achieve our goals. I stuck with my one word #Believe. When I was teacher of the year, Believe was part of the theme for the Florida Teacher of the Year celebration in Orlando. It stuck with me. I firmly believe I am where I am today because someone believed in me. I am thankful for those that continue to believe in me. When I become stressed and frustrated, it is due to my lack of believing in the particular situation. So I am putting my word out there so you all can keep me accountable. I believe in US. The old saying Together Everyone Achieves More. I believe this is our year to achieve more!

Educationally Yours, 

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