

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Evaluation Season

Good Morning Deep Creek School Family, 

It is the season of evaluations again. As a school family, we have made a concerted effort all year not just as the deadline approaches. But in the spirit of the season, I wanted to share a few thoughts on some key elements. The CCPS tool is based on the research conducted by Robert Marzano. Let me emphasize that again, based on the RESEARCH. The elements are not random or arbitrary. They are researched based strategies that yield student success. I appreciate those of you who have owned these strategies incorporated them into your daily instruction not just in the time of an observation. Being fluent with the use of the strategies is a key piece of the Marzano research. 

As we discussed in the faculty meeting, there a distinct difference between element #33 Withitness and the Student Monitoring elements #24 Engagement and #26 Managing Response Rates. It is important to note that #33 has everything to do with Behaviors or lack thereof. 

Every element that a teacher utilizes during a lesson has monitoring in the rubric therefore every element has element #24 and #26 involved in its use. When we think about monitoring think about quality and quantity. Monitoring is determining the quality of student engagement and quantity of students engaged. Please see the following slide presentation for more information. https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1sO1bP36ZaJ_9ciUpzEoedBtNYoYFmfeWrCRBN2fWcHo/edit?usp=sharing

I truly look forward to being in your classrooms and working with each of you to be the best teacher you can be. If you are not in the classroom, please be patient and supportive of teachers during this season of evaluations. Every little thing can be a stressor during this time. 

Thanks for all you do, 

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