

Thursday, May 25, 2017

As the 2016-2017 year concludes...

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

I am sitting here tonight (Wednesday) thoroughly tired but pleasantly pleased. The last two weeks have been whirlwinds of excitement. All the award assemblies were memorable experiences for our Cubs and their families. You all should be proud of your accomplishments with your students this year.  I hope you enjoyed the last day with your students. I truly thank you all for your hard work this year. Each year we face unique challenges yet we overcome them together because that is what we do! I have no doubt next year will be challenging as well but I have faith that we will overcome whatever is presented to us. Every family has strife and happiness within them. My hope is we can find more and more happiness within our school family each year. I am very proud to part of this school family. I could never thank you enough for all you do each day. 

Please leave for summer knowing we had a great year regardless of FSA scores or school grade (whenever they come in). I certainly hope we are celebrating but even if not our students left happy and full of new knowledge and that is important to me! 

Rest this summer! Spend time with your families. Reflect and grow in your profession. 

Thanks for all you do, 

Weekly Reminders:

Have an AWESOME summer! 

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