

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Happy Staff Appreciation Week!

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

We hope you have all enjoyed staff appreciation week. I am sure you notice many things refer to teaching and even though your job title may not be teacher we all TEACH! Every single day I see cafe ladies, custodians, paras, office staff, volunteers, and bus drivers teaching in one manner or another. When we title these Deep  Creek School Family we do mean it! We are a family and it takes every single one of us to teach our students! We do appreciate our teachers for what they do but we appreciate everyone for what we do collectively! So THANK YOU for all you do each day! 

Many people have asked who a particular lunch or gift is from so I wanted to explain so you all know how we bring this week together. This week is a joint effort between PTO and administration. We share many costs and we definitely share labor and efforts. Special thanks to Kristy Lawson, Jenny Johnson, Marie Brown, Sandra Howard, and Mary Crawford. Without them this week would never have happened. 

We hope you enjoyed the special food and treats throughout the week! From the bottom of our hearts, we do appreciate each one of you! 

Adrienne and James 

Weekly Reminders:

Monday- McElroy and Olby off campus at PIPT meeting, Fire Drill 9am, Book Fair All Week 
Tuesday- PTO spirit night at DQ
Wednesday- Master Schedule meeting @ 7:30am; Book Fair Night @ 4:30pm
Thursday- Stone Crab Staff Night
Friday- PPC @ 7:35, Olby off campus 

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