

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Welcome Back 2017-2018

Dear Deep Creek School Family, 

We hope you have all had a restful summer! We will have a Harry Potter themed treat for you all on the professional development day, Monday, August 7th. (Harry Potter fans you will be right at home—the rest of you might want to binge watch some of the movies!)

Many of you have already started getting your rooms ready but for those that have not, hopefully you will notice the special attention the custodial crew paid to our building this summer. Please remember if you are here before the official first day (Friday), you must remove your own food trash daily.  In your classrooms, you will find your gift from PTO of a case of paper and a pack of dry erase markers. Also, you will find your Social Studies TEs have been checked out to you. Your grade level planning rooms contain the workbooks associated with the district adopted curriculum.

Building hours are: 7:00-4:00 through Monday, 8/7
Saturday 8/5 8:00-12:00 and Sunday 8/6 12:00-4:00
7:00-9:30 starting Tuesday 8/8

Just a reminder that PPC switched our professional development day from Friday to Monday. This allows you to have Friday to work in your classroom. Please plan on joining us in the café at 7:45 Monday morning for a full day of professional development and a little Harry Potter fun. Bring your ticket to Platform 9 3/4 with you for special drawings. 

I am truly looking forward to a wonderful year where we remember to turn on the light for ourselves, our students, and colleagues! Enjoy your last few days of summer vacation. 

See you Friday, 


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