

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 10.26.20

 Monday Morning Memo 10.26.20

I hope that you all had a restful weekend!  If you saw me Friday you know that I was beat just like many of you.  I have to say that although many of you had a tough day too with no internet, new testing platforms, or a difficult kiddo, so many of you saw that I was struggling and did something to make me laugh, give me a squeeze, or offer a word of encouragement.  That is what makes DCE so great.  We are a family... and although some days will be tougher than others... there is always someone right there next to you that will lend a helping hand.  Especially as we begin to head into the long stretch of the holiday season, please be sure that if you see a friend that is struggling or could use a pick me that you become their person that lifts them up! 

Deliberate Practice Plan:

Your Deliberate Practice Plan is due on October 30.  James and I have posted the video link from Dr. Keegan as well as a PowerPoint that will walk you through the steps of completing your form in our DCE Staff Shared Drive in the Marzano folder.  It is important that you get your DPP form submitted in a timely manner in case we need you to edit it.  Some of you have asked for additional guidance in completing your form so below is some information that may help you!

As you know, this year you will be scored on some elements that will not be demonstrated during your formal observation.  The first question that you respond to on your DPP form will be scored as element #53: Developing a Written Growth and Development Plan. It is important that you look at the Marzano rubric for element #53 as you fill out your form as this is a scored element. 

Below are some examples and a template for filling in your DPP information in your form.

What are the specific measurable goals you have setaction steps you have plannedtimelines you have identified, and resources that you need to improve this area[Element 53]

SMART Goal Format - from X to Y by Z


I will go from beginning to applying in element 6, Identifying Critical Information, by March of 2021.

Action Steps I have planned and Timelines I have identified

  • I will watch the Educational Impact course on my element by November 2020.
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)
  • List action step here to be completed by (insert target date)

Action steps could be things such as completing the Educational Impact Course on your element, having a peer observe you and give you feedback on your element, reading research on your element, etc.  You will want to be specific and have several action steps that will lead to you successfully reaching your goal rubric score for your DPP.  These action steps can include tasks you plan to implement with your students as well.

The next area that you need to fill out asks for the:

Resources that I need to improve this area:


  • Marzano element documents
  • Educational Impact website and login information
  • Critical concepts
  • Pacing guides
  • Test Specifications
  • ____________________
  • ____________________
  • ____________________

The next response in your goal setting sheet will score element #54: Monitoring Progress Relative to the Professional Growth and Development Plan. Here is a copy of the desired effect, teacher evidence, and rubric that goes with element #54.  This is another of your non-observable elements that will be scored this year.

When looking over this rubric be sure to pay attention to the teacher evidences as well as the key terms in the applying range of the rubric.  When we meet to discuss your DPP we will be talking with you about your monitoring of your DPP plan in order to score this element.

Describe your method for monitoring the improvement of your deliberate practice

element? How will you be charting your progress? [Element 54]

Examples: (How will you chart your progress?  How will you know if you have been successful or not?)

  • Copies of student Critical Concept scales
  • Critical Concept item analysis
  • Action step timeline checklist
  • Feedback from informal observation
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________
  • __________________________________________________

Keep in mind, writing your DPP will take some time.  Your DPP will impact your score of your selected DPP target element as well as elements 53 and 54.  

Please do not hesitate to reach our to James, Marie, or me if you have any questions as you are working!

Student Performance Measure:

The final step of completing your DPP form is selecting your Student Performance Measure.  Keep in mind that your SPM counts as 1/3 of your overall evaluation rating.  Many teachers will likely select the first option, teacher made tests.  James and I have to approve these assessments.  If you are looking for specifics about the design of these assessments please reference the instructional contract which can be found on the CCPS website.  If you select STAR you will need to specify in the comment section if you plan to use STAR scores for reading or for math and whether you will be selecting the proficiency or the growth measure.  If you select the growth measure this will be calculated on the number of your students in your class that "JUMP A BUCKET."  Remember, "jumping a bucket" means that their percentile ranking moves them from one category to the next on our chart.

Work Day and Report Cards

This year the District assigned our Teacher Work Day as Saturday, October 31 for completing your report cards.  You are NOT required to come to school this day; however, we know that many of you like to have time in your classrooms on your work day to get odds and ends completed.  James and I will be opening the building on October 31 from 8:00 am -12:00 pm.  James has also arranged for us to have air conditioning.  Yay!

The report card posting window is officially open.  Scarlett emailed reminders about posting.  Please take a look at her email if you have not already.  Remember, report card grades must be "posted" by 7:20 am on Monday, November 2nd.  

Fire Inspection

We have heard that a few schools have started having their fire inspections.  This likely means that ours is just around the corner.  Our school is in great shape, but there are some areas that many schools get hit on that are important for us to look over as reminders.  One of the big ones is having items on top of your cabinets or shelves too close to the ceiling.  A good rule of thumb is to not place anything on top of cabinets or on your top shelf in your closets to eliminate any possible safety hazard.  You will see on the document that is linked here the actual ceiling height limit as well as other common safety violations that you can check for.

This Week's Schedule

It will be a busy, but great week!  Please let us know if you need anything!
-Keli and James

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