

Monday, April 8, 2019

Nothing Less Than Our Success

Good morning to all,

I want to use this MMM to again thank you all for how well last week progressed in regards to FSA Testing.  Testing can cause us to be irritable and nervous, but I believe we handled it great last week and our students were able to test in calm, prepared, and positive environments.   So, please make sure you know your efforts during this time are appreciated.

The picture below is always one of my favorites.  It is all the 4th and 5th grade Writing Tests and 3rd grade ELA Tests boxed up and ready to be sent.  They will be picked up today.

I wanted to share some resources that have been recently emailed, I know you have seen them, but I wanted to put them in one location.  The first is titled, "Stressed Out" and includes student friendly language that may be beneficial.  Ellen Harvey shared it with administration and included the message that testing times bring stress and there are a few pages in this PDF that can be used for prep.  The PDF will be attached to the email.  

Finally, Adrienne shared a book with me that she used previously during testing.  It's titled, "Testing Miss Malarkey" by Judy Finchler.  It's a book that focuses on doing your best and not allowing one test to be the biggest issue in your life.  I have one copy available in my office if you would like to use it for your class.

Again, thank you for all your efforts to prepare our students for these tests and the manner in which you take the administration of the tests seriously.  It is appreciated.  I have attached a jpeg of the remaining FSA Testing dates below.

Thank you all and have a great week.
Adrienne & James

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