

Sunday, April 28, 2019

DCES Testing - Nothing Less Than Our Success

Good morning to all,

Next week again opens the window in regards to FSA Testing and 3rd graders completing the SAT 10 Test.  Thank you in advance to our grade levels not testing and their assistance in creating a quiet environment for our students.  This includes transitions around campus and assistance on the playground.  We are requesting that the basketball court is not used on the mornings of these dates as well as the soccer fields behind J Building.  The 3rd grade SAT 10 dates are Monday, April 29th and Tuesday, April 30th.  The remaining dates are on the table below.

Each of the remaining FSA dates will include sessions that are 80 minutes in length, but remember there will be several students who have accommodations of extra time.  The next 3 tables show the location of testing, the test administrators, and proctors.  On these testing dates other grade levels may not see Paras that normally help them until late in the afternoon.  They will be used not only to administer tests, but also for class coverage and cafeteria supervision.  

We will end again by emphasizing that the most important role that we fill at this point is a calm, confident face for our students.  At this point it's Nothing Less Than Our Success, we encourage our students to simply do their best.    Here is one final visual that shares methods that can assist with our students testing.

Have a great week,
Adrienne & James 

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