

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Speaking and Listening.... Skills that Can't be Forgotten

Good morning all. Hoping each of you had a good weekend and are looking forward to the upcoming week ahead.  Last Monday the MMM had a focus on staff collaboration leading to improving instruction and increased student proficiency.  Today, let's focus on student collaboration.   Again, remember that Dr. Robert Marzano did not create his elements just for instructor evaluation, but instead his chosen elements are a blueprint on how learning takes place.  These elements focus on how our students' brains work and what instructional steps need to take place for students to deepen their knowledge. 

Element 15 shows how grouping students to practice assists with deepening knowledge.  Students should be given opportunities to work together to practice skills, see others strategies, check answers, and explain their reasoning.  This is not always an easy task for students, especially the younger the age.  This is where your role comes in as a facilitator as you set the expectations and roles each student has in their groups.  Collaboration like other skills is learned.

Another aspect that some may not know is that grouping students is not only just a Marzano Element, but in the state of Florida is also a Florida Standard that is required.  It falls under Language Arts standards (LAFS.SL.1.1), but must be taught across the curriculum.  Take some time to read your grade level Speaking and Listening Standard below.  Keep in mind where your students should be when they arrive in your room and where they need to get to by the end of the year.

These standards probably show some of the most important skills that can be offered to students.  What the future holds for students can't be predicted, but what can be assumed is a need for communication and collaboration for students' careers and relationships.

Thank you for all you do.  Have a great week.
Adrienne and James

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