

Friday, October 19, 2018

Questioning part 2

Good Morning Deep Creek School Family, 

As we alluded to during the PACE faculty meeting, this week we encourage you to go back to last week's and read the parts of the MMM about questioning that you didn't read last week ;) 

After reading that, please watch this video clip and pay attention to the teacher's questioning techniques as well as her managing response rates. Remember the goal is the majority involved. 

As you watch I am sure you will see other elements as well. Reflect on this video and again we will encourage you to video tape yourself! Set up your ipad and let it record. It does not have to be shared with anyone but just used for your reflection. 

Thanks for all you do, 
Adrienne and James

Don't forget Wednesday is wear RED day. Please remind your students to wear any red shirt and uniform bottoms. 

All uniform ballots need to be turned in to the office by end of day Tuesday. 

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