

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Home Stretch

Dear Deep Creek Family,

I hope you all were able to enjoy a much deserved Spring Break. I know it is hard to get back in "the groove" after time off, but we are definitely heading into the final home stretch of the year. It is also nice that we have a Teacher Work Day and a short week to get organized for testing and prepare to finish the year strong.

While you are finishing your grades on Monday, please also remember to prepare your instructional materials for textbook inventory on Tuesday and Wednesday. Also on Tuesday, we will meeting with all staff involved with testing and sending out all necessary information affecting the school in regards to testing. The meeting for test administrators and proctors is Tuesday morning at 7:35am in the library.

In closing, I had a friend share a quick story about Thomas Edison with me over our break. Thomas Edison struggled in school and was asked to leave his school. The story went that his mother received a note stating that he was dumb and incapable of learning, but his mother read it differently to him.  She stated to him that the letter read that the school was not properly staffed to instruct such a genius and that she would have to teach him at home.  I did research on the story and found it wasn't entirely true, but it did strike me that one of the geniuses of our country was labeled as someone who couldn't learn when he was young. I have included the link below, but once again it's just another story of one person believing in a child and inspiring them to believe in themselves.


Have a great week,

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