

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Happy Spring!

Dear Deep Creek Family, 

I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday weekend. Regardless of your faith, I hope you are able to enjoy the renewal and rebirth that spring brings.  The three day week was a nice transition to help everyone get back in learning mode after spring break. Now our 3rd and 4th grade students will show what they know on the FSA. If you have the t-shirt from last year, don't forget to wear it this week. 

There are many personnel issues I need to address. We wish Dave Lada a speedy recovery and we appreciate your patience as we operate short handed. Our Media Specialist position is posted and we will be interviewing during the first week in April. There will be a committee of 5-6 people to make the best decision for our students and school.  We will need to finalize all evaluations this week so thank you for being flexible with your appointments so we can get everyone squared away in the allotted time. Attached is the form for you to complete indicating your preference regarding your VAM. Please bring it completed to your appointment.

Friday begins our annual tradition of the Big Bucket Book Bash. Remember this event is about celebrating and rewarding our students accomplishments. Last year was so much fun! I can't wait to see what is planned for this year. It is great for our students to see their teachers celebrating with them and I know this means sometimes getting out of our comfort zone. I am happy it coincides with staff appreciation week again this year and we can celebrate with lunch together afterwards. 

Thanks for all you do, 

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