

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Possible School Recognition Money

Good Morning Deep Creek Family, 

Great news!  The district informed me at the end of this past week once our school grade of B becomes official, we MAY be eligible to receive School Recognition (formerly A+) dollars as we raised our grade by at least 2 levels from the previous year.  We have not been told the actual dollar amount we would be awarded should we be determined eligible. We are going to need to move quickly as our staff will need to come to agreement, and have SAC approval, for how we want to distribute this money, by February 1st.  

The first step is to collect proposals for distribution from staff members who wish to submit them.  Attached are memos regarding how this money may be used.  If you are interested in submitting a proposal, please have it to me via email by Wednesday, January 20th at 3pm.  Proposals must include several details including who is to receive the money (returning staff only, staff who was here last year, etc.) as well as how the money should be split (itinerant staff working one day of the week receive one-fifth, etc.) Attached are sample proposals from another school for your reference.  

All staff are invited to attend a meeting on Thursday, January 21st, at 3pm to discuss the proposals.  At this meeting staff members who have submitted proposals will have the opportunity to advocate for their proposals and answer clarifying questions about them. We may have several similar proposals submitted, in which case, authors may choose to combine or edit their proposals. The purpose of this meeting is to determine a ballot on which all current staff members will have the opportunity to vote. No final decisions regarding the disbursement of School Recognition Money will be made at this meeting.

Please note this is precautionary in case it is determined that we receive school recognition funds. Let's keep our heads high that this is a possibility!  


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