

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Nothing Less Than Our Success



I really enjoyed the MMM last week that Adrienne brought to us, Patience, Persistence, and Peace. I also think it ties in really well with the motto that we created last summer for our students.  Six months ago in our cafeteria I stood in front of you (I had my pants back on by this point) and we talked about "Our Success."  We spoke about a definition of success that I strongly believe in...

"Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you made the effort to become the best of which you are capable."  - John Wooden, Legendary UCLA basketball Coach

I also believe this definition translates to all parts of our lives and especially into today's world of education.  I know there are so many initiatives and challenges placed before us each day.  I know that looking at data during our scheduled Data Days is often a hard reality.  I was able to attend the 4th and 5th grade Data Days and tried very hard to put myself in your position and pretend my name was under the bars of data on the projection screen. It's hard to be compared to others, especially on the pieces where my bar might have been the lowest.  We have to remember that these days are not to prosecute those who are struggling in areas, but to find out as a team how we each can help each other reach our students.  It's about OUR success.  It's about reaching all of our students and working together.

We have no say over a students home life, we have no say over how much parents support their child's education, but we have, at least we should have, control of ourselves and the effort we give toward bringing out the best in our students.  The effort must be total, and when it is, I believe we have reached success.

Thank you all for everything you do for students, have a great week.


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