

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Remember we are in this together

Dear Deep Creek Family, 

We all know that successful relationships between Deep Creek Elementary and our students' homes is crucial for their success.  We all also know that sometimes it is often difficult to build these relationships with parents.  I know many of you feel that you are often pinpointed with all the blame if a student in not controlling his behavior, having trouble socially, or struggling academically, however the connection between school and home is important and we can not give up on trying to build that relationship.  I am not an expert on interacting with parents, but I do want to share my thoughts on building this relationship.
  1. Parents/Guardians are our stakeholders; we have to make time for them
  2. Remember our student is their "Baby" and their "pride and joy"
  3. Communicate with them regularly and timely
  4. Truly listen and let their point be valued and heard
  5. Look at problems from their perspective
  6. Do not become defensive or look to place blame
  7. Communicate that we are a team trying to help their child
  8. Follow through with the plan you create, even if parent does not
Even after following all these items, building this relationship is sometimes still tough, but we still can not give up.  Remember not all of our parents were the "shining stars" when they were in school, some of them struggled, were picked on, or hated going to school.  They come to our conferences and our school functions with a negative attitude of the educational system.  We have to be patient and show them that we care about their children.  If there is one thing I want emphasize on this MMM it's that we have to be a team; they have to know we care about their child.  Children know your heart.  They know whether you are real.  They communicate this to their parents and this builds trust. It is not US against Them, for the students we have to work together.

I have attached a Thinking Map of adjectives that describe the best practices for parent teacher interactions as well as this website with more tips for effective Parent and Teacher communication.

Thank you all for what you do each and every day.  I know I need to say it more, but I appreciate everything you all do to make Deep Creek a great place for children.  Have a great week.


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