

Friday, May 7, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 5.10.21


We have 725 students on this campus and I know you treat each of these students like they are your own.  So I hope all of you ladies enjoyed a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day.  You all deserve it.

Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you for your emails about Staff Appreciation Week.  We are glad you enjoyed it.  Please know that you are appreciated every week.  As we have been conducting interviews the last few weeks I always tell them about the DCES staff and how you all work to create a positive environment.  I share that We Are Cubs and work hard to be a school family that supports each other, collaborates with each other and has fun while working hard.  I know we have "bumps" along the way but I really want to keep improving to make DCES a magical place for our Cubs and a place where our students and staff feel they are part of something special.  

Testing is continuing this week.  4th and 5th grade Cubs will be completing the Mathematics sections of FSA on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Also each day this week make ups will be taking place in different areas on campus. Each morning of testing, you will receive an email of who is testing and in which locations. Please be sure to avoid these areas most of the day.  Many of our students have extended time accommodations and have been using this testing time well into the afternoon.  We want to be sure to give them the best possible testing environment.  K-2 classrooms will also continue DRA Testing and the STAR Assessments.  Thank you for your continued help as we are pulling all hands on deck to make testing possible.  Also a big thank you to Keli and Marie as they have figured out all these schedules, logistics and the morning snacks.


Four weeks left for students.  Stay focused. Stay positive.  Make sure students are constantly supervised.  We want to finish this crazy year strongly.

Have a great week.
Keli and James

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