

Monday, May 31, 2021

Our countdown is nearly finished.  We have almost crossed the finish line.  Just four days to go.  

This weekend I was looking through posts on Instagram and saw many people across the country posting about staff leaving for summer and surviving a year of working in a school during a pandemic.  It seemed surreal.  The staff looked tired... yet proud and accomplished.  They looked defeated... yet humbled and satisfied.  Did we also just really live through holding in person school for students during a pandemic too?  We did! This year we all, no matter our role on campus, worked hard and faced challenges that didn't seem to be possible in our lifetime.  As you enjoy this last few days on campus with students and your peers, take some time to recognize what you have overcome.  Think through the faculty meeting topics at the beginning of the year, the ever changing requirements for exclusions and safety protocols, and the ongoing difficulty of students and staff coming and going this year.  Take time to also celebrate what you were able to accomplish on top of your already full plates.  You loved on kids and made them feel comfortable and safe being back in school, you leant eachother helping hands when areas needed cleaned or lesson plans needed prepping for a coworker, you delivered items to students that were home sick, and you held amazing events to help families and students still feel connected.  

You smashed the Impossible Mission that 2020-2021 threw at you.  Sure, you are tired.  We, too, are ready for a breather.  But, James and I couldn't be more proud of how you handeled this challenging and humbling year.  Without a doubt, you rose to the challenge that James put on you at the start of the year when he said that we needed to be the staff in the county the stayed focused on our effort and attitude.  He said we wouldn't be the staff that settled into excuses or let ourselves forget that we were here for the kids.  You did just that.  Almost daily, you stopped and checked in on each other, or on us.  You stepped up to find ways to think out of the box to make school special.  You are amazing.  You have survived.  Thank you for being you.  You truly deserve all the sunshine that summer time has in store for you.

Admin Off Campus:

James and I will be off campus on Wednesday and Thursday this week to attend our last two days of training with the Department of Education.  We are excited for this opportunity, but realize it is somewhat bad timing.  We have asked Phebe Westby, our district Language Arts Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, to serve as our replacement for the day.  Phebe is a former DCE teacher and is a wealth of knoweldge.  She'll be an awesome help to any of you that need it!

Fire Drill:

We have a fire drill scheduled for Wednesday, but are trying to move it.  This is a stinky day as we will be off campus and there is a good chance of rain all week.  Although it seems silly to hold a drill, it is required because students are on campus in the month of June.  Due to the likelihood of rain, we are tentaively planning to try to hold the drill TUESDAY afternoon at 1:50 pm if the skies are clear.  Please be preapred for a drill at any time this week when it is sunny outside if it happens to rain Tuesday afternoon.

5th Grade Rocket Day:

Our fifth grade team will be taking classes outside to participate in Rocket Day on Thursday, June 3.  The students will be launching their rockets from the Deep Creek Walker sidwalk into the fields.  Because of this, we will need to have you avoid the field area most of the day.  The playground equipment and basketball court will be fine for use.  

Retirements/Farewells Breakfast:

We will be holding a staff meeting on June 7 at 8:30 am for the entire staff.  This will be an opportunity for us to gather together for one last breakfast and to say our goodbyes to our retirees and to staff that are moving on to new places.  We will meet in the cafeteria so we can spread out.


Just a reminder that paraprofessionals work this year on our teacher work day, which is June 7.  If you are a para in a CD room, please report to your assigned classroom.  If you are a grade level para, please report to the program planner's room.  If the teachers do not need assistance, please come by the office.  We have some projects that we could use your help for if you are up for organizing!

End of Year Checklist:

If you are a paraprofessional with a chromebook checked out, please be sure to turn it in to me in my office before you leave for summer.  You will need to wrap your powercord and place it on top of your chromebook.  

Teachers, please be sure to complete your end of year checklist.  Once your room is ready, please call James or me and we will come by your room to sign you off.

Open Positions:

We are currently still looking for two teachers for our CD classrooms for next year.  We will also be interviewing soon for our Reading Recovery position.  This summer we will be posting open paraprofessional positions as well.  If you know anyone that is interested in becoming a Cub, please help us spread the word!

This Week's Schedule:

Happy last four days.  Please reach out to us via email or text if you need anything while we are gone. 

-Keli and James

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 5.24.21

9 days.... 9 days left with our kiddos in one of the most challenging years many of us ever have faced or ever will face in education.  We have 9 days left to make our mark on our Cubs.  9 days to mark their hearts with fond memories of us as a staff and of their peers, to mark their minds with excitement for learning, and to fill them with love for our school in a way that makes them long to be back while they are gone for summer break.  

As we have gone through interviews in the last two weeks we have asked candidates to share why they decided to go into the field of education.  A recent candidate shared that as a first grader she knew she wanted to be a teacher, so she started a journal that she wrote in about the pros and cons of her teacher.  She then kept this journal going all throughout her years of schooling.  Why would she do this?  At the young age of 6 she realized at that there were things that she wanted to carry with her and implement once she was a teacher, and things that staff did in school that she wanted to be sure to not do.  Why do we tell you this?  The impression, or mark, we leave on our students is powerful.  Students watch every move we make.  

This year has been challenging.  Some of our Cubs have been challenging.  But, even for those most challenging students... we have 9 days left to make that positive, meaningful mark on them.  What will your mark be on each of your students?  Which student needs a bit more love before they head off for summer?  Which may need a positive academic celebration to make them realize that they are capable of hard things and that they have grown so much in their year with you?  Which student admires one of our support staff and may benefit from some time with them?  Which students may light up getting one last leadership award in the office?  Which students may aspire to be something great someday because of a little seed you planted in their minds through a great book or conversation?  As you start these last 9 days of school, look at each of your students one at a time.  Think about what they may need. Then, make your mark!

Fifth Grade Promotion

We are so excited that we will have the opportunity to do a promotion ceremnoy for our 5th graders this year.  They will be celebrated in our back field on Wednesday at 9:30.  Please be sure that you have read Mr. Vernon's emails about lunch changes for the day and see the schedule below.  We also will need to have all staff park in the front parking lot or at the church next door.  We need to leave the bus loop open for parent parking.

Bagged Lunches: Students in grades Pre-K through fourth grade will receive bagged lunches on Wednesday, May 26 due to fifth grade promotion.  Grade levels will follow the lunch schedule below to come and pick up their bags from the cafeteria.  Class should follow their order for normal lunch with two minutes between classes.

11:00 - 2nd Grade (11:00, 11:02, 11:04, 11:06, 11:08, 11:10, 11:12, 11:14)

11:16 - 4th Grade (11:16, 11:18, 11:20, 11:22, 11:24, 11:26)

11:28 - Kindergarten (11:28, 11:30, 11:32, 11:34, 11:36, 11:38, 11:40, 11:42)

11:44 - First Grade (11:44, 11:46, 11:48, 11:50, 11:52, 11:54, 11:56, 11:58) *Teachers that have students in the LLI group at this time should be the last classes to go to lunch and LLI kids will need to leave group a few minutes early)

12:00 - 3rd Grade (12:00, 12:02, 12:04, 12:06, 12:08, 12:10, 12:12)

12:12 - Pre-K

12:30 - Fifth Grade Luncheon

Recess - There will need to be a few changes for recess times.  Pre-K, please avoid the playground from 9:15-11:00 and coordinate with kindergarten for a time that they are not out there.  4th grade can go outside at 1:50.  Third grade will need to check outside and see if the promotion ceremony is over as we will be cutting it close to your scheduled time.  If this occurs, you can have your classes play a game in the courtyard for a few minutes and then head to the back areas.

Campus Cleanup

We need the help of our Cubs to make our campus shine.  It has been quite awhile since families have been able to visit our campus, and this week our fifth grade families get to do just that.  We need help making the back fields, playground areas, and bus loop area look nice.  If your class has some time on Monday and Tuesday, please have them assist us in gathering up garbage, stray water bottles, jackets, etc that are in these areas.  If your students see that the back area has already been cleaned up by other students, we would love their help in the courtyard areas as well!

Weekly Schedule

We know that things have been crazy busy and overwhelming.  There is a lot that has been going on and a lot that we have had to ask of you.  Thank you for hanging in there with us.  We appreciate you lots.  Please stop by or email us if there is anything you need in our last couple of weeks!

-Keli and James

Sunday, May 16, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 5.17.21

There are only three weeks of school left!  It is hard to believe that one of our most challenging years ever is approaching the end.  We have almost made it!  Our students are starting to feel the excitement of summer time approaching.  As you lesson plan for the last few weeks of school, find some creative ways to keep the kids engaged.  Although it may seem like the perfect time to ease off, our kiddos still have some gaps to close to be as ready as possible for the upcoming school year.  Now, this doesn't have to mean worksheets and essays.  However, think about some fun ways to keep learning alive.  Maybe take them outside with sidewalk chalk to solve some math problems, complete an escape room challenge, do a balloon pop for each day left of the year which contains an academic fun activity, toss balls into buckets for correct answers, or even have your kiddos play the snot game using colored Vaseline to pick up question cards for their team.


We have made it to the last week of FSA testing!  This week our fifth graders tackle science testing on Tuesday and Wednesday.  This will cause two more days of schedule changes.  Let's rally one more time and wear our Mission Possible shirts on Tuesday to show our support!

You should also be getting close to wrapping up end of year assessments (DRA, STAR, etc.).  All of these data points are important for making decisions for class placement for next year, seeing how much our Cubs have grown despite the obstacles that we have faced, and to compare the data to FSA for the first time.  

Staff Meeting:

This week we will be holding our staff meeting at 7:20 on Thursday on DCE meets.  We have a lot of end of year information to go over with you so we will be starting right on time!  Make sure you have some paper with you to take notes if needed.


Our end of year awards assemblies are taking place this week.  With a busy last two weeks of school we had to shift them to be a few days earlier than normal.  We are planning on this being a wonderful time for our students to come together to celebrate their accomplishments this year.  There are a few more awards to hand out compared to our middle of year ceremonies, so we will be moving through them a bit quicker.

This Week's Schedule:

We hope you have a great week!
-Keli and James

Friday, May 7, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 5.10.21


We have 725 students on this campus and I know you treat each of these students like they are your own.  So I hope all of you ladies enjoyed a wonderful weekend and a Happy Mother's Day.  You all deserve it.

Staff Appreciation Week
Thank you for your emails about Staff Appreciation Week.  We are glad you enjoyed it.  Please know that you are appreciated every week.  As we have been conducting interviews the last few weeks I always tell them about the DCES staff and how you all work to create a positive environment.  I share that We Are Cubs and work hard to be a school family that supports each other, collaborates with each other and has fun while working hard.  I know we have "bumps" along the way but I really want to keep improving to make DCES a magical place for our Cubs and a place where our students and staff feel they are part of something special.  

Testing is continuing this week.  4th and 5th grade Cubs will be completing the Mathematics sections of FSA on Tuesday and Wednesday.  Also each day this week make ups will be taking place in different areas on campus. Each morning of testing, you will receive an email of who is testing and in which locations. Please be sure to avoid these areas most of the day.  Many of our students have extended time accommodations and have been using this testing time well into the afternoon.  We want to be sure to give them the best possible testing environment.  K-2 classrooms will also continue DRA Testing and the STAR Assessments.  Thank you for your continued help as we are pulling all hands on deck to make testing possible.  Also a big thank you to Keli and Marie as they have figured out all these schedules, logistics and the morning snacks.


Four weeks left for students.  Stay focused. Stay positive.  Make sure students are constantly supervised.  We want to finish this crazy year strongly.

Have a great week.
Keli and James

Sunday, May 2, 2021

Monday Morning Memo

We can't begin to thank you enough for how amazing you all truly are!  Every school year is challenging, but this one has been extremely so.  Since the onset of the school year, you all have taken anything that we have asked of you and done it without complaint.  We have had to shift our interactions with each other by wearing masks or meeting virtually, we have had to take on extra responsibilities such as wiping down surfaces and posting lesson plans online for absent students, we survived drive through and off campus events to allow our families to still feel connected to our campus, and you have jumped in and covered classrooms and duties... just to name a few.  We wish we could truly show you just how much you each mean to us, but we hope that this week brings you some laughs and some good food that remind you that you are loved.  Although the week is busy with testing, please find some time to sit with a coworker and enjoy a meal or hop into the photo booth to snap some silly pictures.  And, don't forget your opportunity to participate in the trivia question each day for the possibility of winning a prize!


Testing resumes this week for our intermediate students.  Each morning of testing, starting Tuesday, you will receive an email of who is testing and in which locations.  Please be sure to avoid these areas most of the day.  Many of our students have extended time accommodations and have been using this testing well into the late afternoon.  We want to be sure to give them the best possible testing environment.  Thank you for your continued help as we are pulling all hands on deck to make testing possible.  

This Week's Schedule:

Thank you again for all you do to make DCE great!  We love ya bunches!
-Keli and James