

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Monday Morning Memo 3.22.21

 Welcome back!  We hope that you had an amazing Spring Break.  This year, more than ever before, it was much needed for all of us.  Now, we are rested and ready to tackle the last quarter of the school year. 

Welcome New Staff:

Right before break we were able to hire for our three open positions.  

Please join us in welcoming Bailey Crawford as a Paraprofessional III.  She will be working as a one-on-one with a third grade student.  Although we will miss having her as a sub, we are so excited to have her on campus with us full time!  

We have also filled our open custodial position. Please welcome Nerie Suarez.  Ms. Suarez will be taking Mr. Eric's place.  If you see her, please give her a DCE welcome!  

The final addition to our staff is Lynnae Chaisson-Traylor.  Lynnae will be our new Data-Tech and comes to us from the HR department.  She will be moving in to her new office on Monday and will be off campus a few days this week for training.  We can't wait for you to meet her!


We are nearing the end of quarter three. The quarter wraps up on Friday, March 26.  The grade posting window is now open.  Grades need to be finalized no later than Monday, March 29 at 7:20 am in Focus.  Report cards go home on April 5.   If you anticipate that you will need help with Focus or with report cards, please be sure to let her, James, Marie, or me know as soon as you can.  We want to be sure that we are able to help you, or get you the answer/help that you need before the window closes!

Collaborative Planning:

With the end of the year being filled with so many schedule changes, testing, and events we have decided that we need to stop the back-to-back collaborative planning sessions for March, April, and May.  Although we are canceling the back-to-back sessions, we would still like you and your team to come together on those Tuesdays for collaborative planning during your planning periods.  This has been reflected on the DCE calendar.  Additional dates for other events (awards, etc.) have been updated on the DCE calendar as well.


FSA Testing will be getting underway this week.  Our students that are on Access Standards will be taking the FSAA.  Let's wish Ms. Blass, Mrs. Nuwer, Ms. Belous, and Ms. Spitalieri (Innovative) good luck!  They will be using the first grade planning room, fourth grade planning room, and fifth grade planning room for testing, so please avoid these areas this week and provide them with as much quiet as possible!  I will send a very brief reminder out each morning letting you know who is testing, what times, and where.

We will also be holding our FSA Manual training for all 3-5 teachers, all K-5 paraprofessionals, and other requested staff members on Thursday.  Instructional staff that need to attend the training will meet in the media center at 7:20 am.  All paraprofessionals (except for one-on-ones) should select either the 10:00 or 11:00 session and meet in room H-117.  We are training additional staff this year due to the unexpected nature of Covid.  We want to be as prepared as possible so that our students can be successful and show off all that they have learned!  

Important FSA testing information is starting to be added to the DCE Staff Shared Drive in google.  You will see that there are documents that show schedule changes when needed and which staff are tentatively being used on which days.  This will be a working document.  Even if you are not a 3-5 teacher or para, you should get in the habit of checking this document regularly during testing season.  We will go over some of this important information at our next staff meeting.

This Week's Schedule:

Have a great week!
-Keli and James

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