

Friday, December 18, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 12.21.20

 We are down to the last three days...  you've got this!  We have almost finished up 2020, and all in all, we survived it pretty well.  Now, take time to rest and relax and spend some much needed down time with the ones you love.  We can't wait to see you back in 2021!

12 Days of Christmas


We really value your input and want to make DCE even better than it already is.  If you have not completed the short survey to give us feedback, please take a minute to complete it.

Weekly Schedule:

Happy holidays!
-Keli and James

Phone Message 12.20.2020

 Good afternoon Cub Families.  This is Mr. Vernon with a short message for the upcoming three day week.  

We have three days of learning and fun for our Cubs this week.  Remember Monday is Winter sock day, Tuesday is winter hat or headband day and Wednesday is pajama day.  

Thank you to all of our Cubs for the kindness they showed on Friday's Grinch Day.  We filled up our front foyer with food donations for the Homeless Coalition.  It always makes me so excited when I see what our school family can do when we work together.  Thank you all for your kindness.  

This will be my last phone message for the calendar year and I want to make sure you all know how much I love working for all of you and helping our Cubs.  I hope you all have an enjoyable rest of the year and have a great New Year.  Remember Winter Break begins on December 24 and students return on January 4.

Thank you all for listening and have a great evening.  I look forward to seeing our Ready, Responsible and Respectful Cubs tomorrow morning. 

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 12.14.20

Although it is almost the holidays, all that I can think of right now is The Little Engine that Could.  Let's face it... 2020 has brought many challenges and obstacles.  We are feeling the exhaustion of the last calendar year on our shoulders, and most of us can't wait for it to be 2021.  Some mornings we may even be waking up wishing that we could close our eyes and pull those covers back up over our heads instead of heading into school.  But, our kiddos are depending on us. They are depending on us to be there... to be eager to teach... and to be the light in their days.  We've got this next eight days.  Just remember that we need to start each one with the phrase, "I think I can!"

12 Days of Christmas:

This week we continue our 12 Days of Christmas.  Keep on the lookout!  We still have a few Santas that were not found on Friday.  They are in some tricky places!  We can't wait to have more fun with you this week!

Element 13: Reflecting on Learning

Last week at the Program Planner meeting James mentioned that there are two elements that we wanted to spotlight right now.  The first was Element 26: Managing Response Rates.  We focused on this element last week in our memo.  This week we are switching gears to Element 13: Reflecting on Learning.  

When we look at the rubric for reflecting we see that there are a few key components that must be implemented in the classroom to utilize this strategy with students effectively.  
*Students reflect on their own learning and the learning process
*Students reflect on their effort
*The teacher monitors the extent to which students do this effectively

Reflecting on where I am in the learning sequence for a student and how their effort impacts where they are at is huge for our students.  Last year we introduced you to the idea of grit.  This is when our students "choose" to keep going when things get tough.  This does not just mean that they are complying with behavioral expectations, although these reflect effort as well.  Grit is when students are sitting in the zone of productive struggle with a challenging word, math problem, or question in front of them and they chose to reach out to resources and strategies around them to keep going even when they may feel like quitting.  Without following the teacher's behavior expectations and showing grit, students may not advance very far on the learning continuum.  

This year the idea of the Critical Concepts were introduced and last year we shared Standards Ladders with you.  These are examples of ways that students can reflect on where they are in their learning.  This is often an area where we see confusion for this element.  One of the things that students need to be aware of is what skills they have checked off, where they are at right now in their learning, and where they are trying to get to and why.  

Let's take a look at an example scenario:

In class, a student is learning phonetic skills in their kindergarten classroom.  Currently, they are learning letter sounds.  After they learn their sounds they will be blending these sounds to make CVC words.  They will also learn some common sight words.  The next step is to put these CVC words and sight words together to begin reading some predictable books.  Each day the teacher may review with students what they are currently learning and where they are trying to get to (reading text by themselves).  She may also review with students what they need to do when they get to a tricky letter or word (strategies and effort).  At the end of small group or independent reading time the teacher may have students reflect in two ways: 1. What did you practice today and where is this at on our learning ladder?  2. How much effort (grit) did you show when you got to tricky letters/words? What did you do when you got to that letter/word that helped you?

Allowing students to see that their effort and use of strategies can help them advance faster to where they are trying to get to can be powerful.  Teachers have been finding some creative ways to get their students to reflect on both of these areas.

With the implementation of standards ladders and Critical Concept scales we have seen students begin to prove where they are in their learning.  They are checking off concepts as they demonstrate mastery and know exactly the key vocabulary and expectations of the next step in their learning that they are going to tackle.  Teachers have done this with physical student copies of the ladders or scales, whole class large scale versions on which students clip their clothespin or place their sticky note, or through discussion with their partner at the conclusion of a small group.  When checking off or clipping up a step on the ladder or section of the concept the teacher is requiring that the student prove their understanding.  We often see this in the form of an exit ticket.

Teachers have also developed "Effort Expectations" anchor charts.  These are charts where the class brainstorms what effort sounds like, looks like, and feels like.  Then, students reflect about whether they met those expectations during the lesson and often place a symbol that indicates their effort onto their exit ticket or paper.  

Reflecting on both of these areas in the classroom will take some time at the beginning when you first introduce the concept to your students.  However, with repetition and consistent expectations for effort, the time that will be needed will greatly decrease and should only take a minute or two.  These are also just a few examples and are not all inclusive of what can be done with students in your classroom for Element 13.  We hope that this has brought some clarity and also sparked some ideas.

Weekly Schedule:

Remember... we've got this. Only eight more days.  Continue to be the light for your students!  Have a great week.
-Keli and James

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 12.7.20

We are nearing the finish line!  There are only 13 days left until winter break.  Many of you have been using some of the tips that we mentioned last week to spread a little bit of holiday excitement with your students while still continuing with your regular academics.  Below are a few links to videos similar to what we have seen teachers using on their tvs while their students are working.  Keep sharing ideas with each other!

Piano with Winter Scenes:


Snowfall with Piano Music:


Christmas Tree with Christmas Music:


Penguins with Relaxing Music:


12 Days of Christmas

This week kicks off our 12 Days of Christmas which will begin on Tuesday.  We can't wait to have some fun with you!  Please see the schedule below.  If you visit the photo booth on Tuesday, please email or text me the photos.  I would love to share these out on Facebook with our families and students.  

LiveSchool Challenge

Don't forget to keep LiveSchool up and active throughout the day.  Awarding positive points to our students will keep them engaged in learning. Please share out the digital flyer with parents that Sarah made about the special days our students are working for.  This will help our parents remind their child about behaving and to also be ready with items for our Cubs to wear!  

Element 26: Response Rates

Now that classroom observations have kicked off we wanted to begin sharing with you some great ideas and reminders for some of our key elements.  We are going to start off with Element 26: Managing Response Rates.  This element encourages teachers to find ways to get ALL students answering ALL questions.  This helps us avoid being an "owl" when we ask questions such as, "Who can tell me the...."  When we ask questions in this manner we call on one student, and it is often a student that we subconsciously believe will have the correct answer.  This also sets up some of our bottom quartile students to disengage because they often get skipped over or are allowed to opt out of answering when they begin to stumble.  During our PD session in November James challenged us to be a school where students do not raise their hands to answer questions.  This does not mean that we aren't asking questions or that we are allowing students to just call out answers, but instead means that ALL students are answering ALL questions.  Think about how we can get all of our kids doing all of the thinking, the reading, and the responding.  So, how do we do this?  Below are some ideas we have researched and also seen in action.
  • Random Selector Tools - When having to pose a question in class with only one student answering consider using a random selector.  This could be through the use of popsicle sticks, the selector feature in LiveSchool, or another app similar in nature.  One new technique we observed last week was a teacher that placed duplicate sticks in her cup for students that are in the bottom quartile; therefore greatly increasing the chances of these students being called on more frequently.  Another teacher also placed sticks in her cup that said "teacher's choice."  This allowed her flexibility to call on any student that needed to be engaged at that moment.  
  • Dry Erase Boards and Desks - When posing questions to the class have students record their answer on a dry erase board or on their desk.  As they write, circulate the room to monitor their responses.  Call on key students based on their responses to have them share with the class.  This may create some great opportunities for probing or for class-wide academic discourse.
  • Paddle Responses - Paddles can be used in many ways.  They can be premade by the teacher based on a specific type of response you are looking to solicit from your students such as true/false, thumbs up/thumbs down, agree/disagree, etc.  These can also be made as blank laminated circles that students write on with dry erase markers.  For example, the teacher could ask students to write down the names of two specific characters from the text.  Then, she could read out specific traits about these characters and students have to show the character's name that fits that trait.   
  • Technology - Using technology is often a great way to manage responses while also collecting data.  We have seen teachers do this through programs such as Quizizz and Kahoot.  Now that we are becoming more comfortable with Google Classroom, students are beginning to post their responses in their digital classroom and even have academic conversations with their group members.
  • Academic Discourse - Get your students talking together about their answers to questions.  These structured conversations really hold our students accountable to answering the question and using academic vocabulary in their response.  With Covid restrictions we have seen teachers really finding creative ways to keep our students talking.  We have seen teachers set up hoola hoops or shower curtains for students to stand around so they can talk in a group.  We have seen teachers set up sit spots in their room that allows partners to sit on specific colors to specify who their partner is and then they turn to face one another from their spaced spots.  As mentioned before, some teachers have moved digital to allow students to have conversations through typing messages to one another.  
  • Old School - We can always go old school.  When posing a question we can have all students find the answer in the text and highlight or underline it.  Or, they can solve their math problem on their paper.  As teachers, we then circulate and monitor their responses and facilitate what needs to occur next with the class.  We may decide to pair students together based on their answers, select papers to show up on the tv for discussion, or randomly select two students to share out for the class to then discuss the differences in their responses.  
Remember... we need kids working harder than we do!

Weekly Schedule:

Have a great week!
-Keli and James