

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Weekly Message 3.2.20

I hope you all had a restful weekend!  It is March already and we only have ten work days left until spring break!

Week at a Glance:

Live School Challenge:

Our students smashed the February LiveSchool Challenge!  We will be making an announcement soon to our Cubs letting them know that they have earned their Spirit Week and that Mr. Vernon will be shaving his head into a mohawk on WCUB on March 13th. Thank you for celebrating the successes of our students behaviorally and academically to help them accomplish this goal!  Don't let them know that they won yet... be on the look out for the news video.

Final Push:

We are heading into our last few academic weeks before our FSA testing windows open.  A few of our kiddos in Mrs. Nuwer's and Ms. Belous' classes will be taking the FSAA, the state's alternate assessment, just before Spring Break.  I will send out a reminder a few days before they test so you know which areas will need to be designated as quiet zones.

Below are dates for the rest of our testing that begins on April 1.  Be on the lookout for emails containing training dates, buddy class visit suggestions, and staff members that will be pulled on testing days.  

We know that our staff is working hard to cover standards, remediate and enrich when necessary, and keep students feeling positive and energized as they head into testing season.  This can be a tricky time for both students and staff as we all feel the pressure.  Hoping that we can all take a giant deep breath together and support one another through this final push.

Teddy Bear Picnic:

Teddy Bear Picnic is Friday, March 13th.  Please be sure that your students have returned their RSVP slips and that you are getting their leadership notebooks updated and ready to be shared. Remember, staff will need to park in the back field when they arrive to work that morning to make room for parents to park.  

Have and awesome week! 
-Keli and James

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