

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekly Message for 2.2.2020

Hoping you all had a restful weekend.  Short message this morning, because I have to get ready for my wife's birthday party and the Superbowl. 

This week starts our Liveschool Points challenge, please use this tool to motivate our students.  This time of year often comes with some frustrating  days.  Remember the quote I shared by Peg Jividen, on our first meeting this year.  She loved driving to school each morning and seeing the sun rise on DCES.  It made her remember that each day offered a bright new beginning.

This week also marks the start of our data days.  This also leads to some tough conversations.  Remember this is MID YEAR data.  It allows all of us to decide what is working, what is not working  and make a plan to improve by the end of the year.  The best instructors use this information to reflect, not deflect and improve instruction.  Looking forward to assisting our student growth.

Have a great week.
James & Keli

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