

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Weekly Message 2.23.2020

We were definitely represented well at this Saturday's CCPS Kickball Tournament.  Special thanks to Jackie Riddell and the teammates that made it so fun.  

One thing was clear.... there is no school that has more fun and supports each other more than DCES.  We showed the county that We Are Cubs and we believed in Nothing Less Than Our Success.  We showed our competitiveness and had a great time.

Here is the team picture (Missing Sarah Mann)

We definitely need to use this kickball team's mentality for the remainder of the school year.....  We didn't pay much attention to the score.  We just played every moment to the best of our abilities and when others made mistakes or failed, we supported and picked each other up.  

This time of year brings so much stress and doubt as we struggle to make sure our students grow and learn.  We simply need to live our own school motto Nothing Less Than Our Success.  We take no days off, we help our students learn to the best of their abilities and we live with the results.  Along the way we support each other and try our best to have fun.  

I wouldn't have traded our team on Saturday for any other team and I would not trade this staff for any other either.

Looking forward to a great week.
Keli and James

Phone Message 2.23.2020

Good afternoon to all of our Cub Families. This is Mr. Vernon with a short message this afternoon.  First, don't forget our most cherished Deep Creek tradition, The Teddy Bear Picnic, is coming up on Friday, March 13th.  This Tuesday, forms will be coming home with all of our Teddy Bear Picnic information.  Please make sure these forms are completed and sent back to your child's classroom teacher as soon as possible.  We look forward to all of our families being at this special event.  Next, this Friday we have our Year Book Sock Hop Pre-sale.  All Cubs who pre-order their 2019 - 2020 Yearbook will be able to attend Friday's sock hop.  Yearbooks can be purchased online at ybpay.lifetouch.com.  The school code for DCES is 12884420.  Students who purchase yearbooks will sent to the cafeteria on Friday for the Sock Hop.  Last, remember attendance is very important as we want our Cubs at school all day, every day.  I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the weekend.  I look forward to seeing our Ready, Responsible and Respectful Cubs tomorrow morning.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Weekly Message 2.17.2020

Friday, March 13th is our Teddy Bear Picnic.  For those of you new to DCES, it's our schools most cherished event.  I feel it really symbolizes that, "We are Cubs."  It's hard to explain, but you just have to experience how amazing it is to have our entire school and families just simply eating lunch together.  I can't wait for the event to come each year, plus it leads into a well deserved Spring Break.  I wanted to use this week's MMM to again start preparation for the TBP.

2020 Teddy Bear Picnic Schedule

Parking 6:30am - 7:20am
Parking for staff will be behind the Kindergarten playground.  Mr. Brockmann will have this area marked for parking.  It's important that we start this area off organized as overflow parking from parents will also be placed back here.  Our front parking lots will be used for our families.

No Specials
There will be no specials on Teddy Bear Picnic Day. 30 minute duty free lunch periods will be available for our classroom teachers at the end of the day.  Specials teachers will be assisting with the EXPO, greeting parents and supervising recess.

Bag Lunch Pick Up (Send students to cafeteria at indicated times)
Students getting bagged lunches will be indicated on the Teddy Bear Picnic forms going home on Tuesday, February 25th. 
Pre K               10:00am
K - 2                10:15am
3 - 5                 10:30am

Expo in Cafeteria
Student leaders will need to be in the cafeteria for the expo by 10:30am.  These students will be presenting their DEAL Day clubs or other leadership clubs on campus.  The expo will run from 10:45am - 11:15am.

Student Led Conferences
Parents will enter rooms at 11:15am.  The buildings will be locked until this time.  Classroom times will be 45 minutes.  Parents may leave before the 45 minutes end, but students can not be released for lunch until 12:00pm.  Exceptions is for students that have a sibling in another class and parents have indicated that they will be joining another class.  Again, this will be indicated on the form going home on Tuesday, February 25th.

Picnic will start at 12:00pm
Grade level signs will be set up in courtyards to designate where grade levels sit. Individual teacher signs will be made to show parents/students where to sit.  Sign out sheets will be completed in your classroom before leaving for lunch and sent to the office attached to all of your students permission slips at the end of the day.  

Dismissal may begin at 12:30PM
Sign out sheets should be completed prior to leaving room for picnic.
Do not send permission slips to office until they are attached to sign out sheets at the end of the day.  Any changes to permission slips need to be taken care of in the front office.  The parent or family member would need to come to the office to sign out the student.  DO NOT SEND THE STUDENT WITH FAMILY MEMBERS THAT WERE NOT ON THE INITIAL PERMISSION SLIP.  OFFICE STAFF WILL CALL FOR STUDENT ONCE DISMISSAL HAS BEEN CONFIRMED.

Classroom teachers bring and pick up students from the playground.  Duty free lunch will be as follows:
K & 1            1:00 - 1:30pm                 ESE Team & Paras for Coverage
2 & 3             1:30 - 2:00pm                 Specials Team & Paras for Coverage
4 & 5             2:00 - 2:30pm                 ESE Team & Specials for Coverage
ESE Teachers, Paras and Specials will have duty free lunch from 12:30 - 1:00pm

If you have questions, please start asking now to make sure the event runs smoothly. 

We are looking forward to a great week.
Keli & James

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Weekly Message 2.9.2020

We hope all of you had a great weekend.  Keli and I definitely needed this weekend to refresh and start this week on a positive note.  Assisting with our positive feelings leading into this week were the teamwork/collaboration and conversations that the K - 3 grade teams were able to work through during their data days. 

We know our staff is our greatest strength at DCES and we plan to continue to trust your ideas and expertise moving forward. Looking forward to our 4th and 5th grade meetings Monday.  I have our Mid Year Data review at the County Office today at 11:00am and plan to use the following quote to guide my discussion.

"If beating ourselves up worked, we'd have the greatest education system on the planet.  Educators need to self-assess, make a plan, work our plan, be better, and be patient.  Don't light yourself on fire to keep everyone warm." 

I will share our data.  Explain that we aren't making excuses and deflecting, but are using the data to reflect and have plans to improve moving forward.

Teddy Bear Picnic

We also want to use this MMM to start preparations for our Teddy Bear Picnic.  Please start discussing TBP, especially for new staff members on this Tuesday's Team Meetings.  The Teddy Bear Picnic is on Friday, March 13th. 

The schedule will be as follows:
10:45 - 11:15am  Leadership Expo in Cafeteria (DEAL Day and other Leadership Clubs Presentations)
11:15am - 12:00pm  Student Led Conferences/Presentations in Classrooms
12:00 - 12:30   Teddy Bear Picnic in designated area
12:30 Begin Dismissal

Our next MMM will be all the other information for the Teddy Bear Picnic.

Looking forward to a great week.
Keli & James

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Weekly Message for 2.2.2020

Hoping you all had a restful weekend.  Short message this morning, because I have to get ready for my wife's birthday party and the Superbowl. 

This week starts our Liveschool Points challenge, please use this tool to motivate our students.  This time of year often comes with some frustrating  days.  Remember the quote I shared by Peg Jividen, on our first meeting this year.  She loved driving to school each morning and seeing the sun rise on DCES.  It made her remember that each day offered a bright new beginning.

This week also marks the start of our data days.  This also leads to some tough conversations.  Remember this is MID YEAR data.  It allows all of us to decide what is working, what is not working  and make a plan to improve by the end of the year.  The best instructors use this information to reflect, not deflect and improve instruction.  Looking forward to assisting our student growth.

Have a great week.
James & Keli