

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Our Story

I know our Faculty Meetings on Thursday morning do not include the whole staff, so I again wanted to take the opportunity to share our thoughts behind the bookmarks that you received Thursday.

Five months ago, we had so many unknowns.  Keli and I had no idea how it would all come together.  New administration, new Core Team, new students, construction all over campus, and so many other items just to figure out.  Deep Creek has had a tremendous story and we just knew we were responsible for the next chapter.

We had three items that we wanted to be our focus:

When Keli and I reflected on these goals the one that stood out so far this year was Student Relationships.  Watching the love and effort all of you share with our Cubs is such a beautiful thing.  It makes us so proud to lead you and we can't thank you enough.

The thought of the bookmarks... we know Deep Creek has had a great story.  It's up to us to fill the rest of the pages and create our own story. Keli and I are so happy you all are part of Our Story.  Enjoy this last week of school, your Winter Break and thank you for all you do.

Happy Holidays,
James & Keli


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