

Friday, February 8, 2019

Common Core or No Common Core?

Good Morning Deep Creek School Family, 

So this past week there has been much hype and questions about the Governor's statements about common core. I wanted to collect the information we have received thus far. We will update you as we get more information. This will not be a quick process so hold tight and if parents ask, we are following the directions given to us by the district office. 
Earlier this week, the following statement was issued by Susie Lee, FDOE Bureau Chief, K-12 Student Assessment:
As you are likely aware, the Executive Order regarding academic standards and civic literacy calls for the Commissioner to make recommendations to the Governor by January 1, 2020. As such, we currently do not anticipate any changes to K–12 statewide assessments for this school year. Given that we will await the Commissioner’s recommendations, we will continue to do all work necessary this calendar year to prepare for assessments as currently outlined in statute for the 2019–2020 school year.
As we have done previously with new or revised standards, we will work with all stakeholders to successfully implement any new or revised statutes, State Board Rules, and policies that result from the recommendations. We will also provide all of the necessary communications to help students, teachers, schools, and districts understand these changes as they relate to statewide assessments.

Message from DOL: Please rest assured that the Division of Learning will take an active role in every step of this process, and whenever able and asked, will participate in providing feedback to those making decisions for changes on the horizon. We will continue to keep you as up to date as possible along the way, and I encourage you to do the same with us. Together, we will ensure that any and all changes to curriculum, instruction, and assessment is met with student success.
Image result for caution change lanes ahead
Thank you for sticking to our game plan and doing what is best for our Cubs!  

Thank you so much for all you do every day!
Adrienne and James 

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