

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Nothing Less Than Their Success!

We are so lucky to have the students that attend Deep Creek.  I also think we are so lucky to have the staff that works at Deep Creek.  I know this because I listen to other administrators when I attend meetings and conferences and hear their complaints.  But still, I know we have our challenges that is why this Tuesday I will be attending your team meetings to talk about behavior.  My main emphasis when I come to those team meetings will be that we are a team.  I don't and will not pretend to have all the answers, every child is different.  However, one item that hasn't changed since I became part of the Deep Creek Family is my desire to assist you and care for our students.  I know along the way there will always be disagreements that we have over discipline, but all it takes is for us to sit down, talk, and find the best route for the student. Do not ever feel like you and I can not speak on how to approach a student's behavior, I am flexible and will not let my ego get in the way when I have handled a situation poorly.
I however will be stubborn in my mindset that we have to reach students and show that we genuinely care about them before we can get anywhere.  Every student brings different problems to Deep Creek, different shortcomings, different abilities, and different lack of abilities.  They all at different times will do childish things, they don't make adult decisions, and they don't know what is best for themselves.  This is why they need us.  We can not take their shortcomings personally and hold grudges.  Each day must be a new day to help that child succeed.  We have to give each of our students second chances, third chances, and yes, even fourth chances. We have an obligation as an educator to treat every student like they were our own children.  We would never give up and resent our own children.
Behind the Mask
by Annette Breaux and Todd Whitaker
(In the book "50 Ways to Improve Student Behavior")
If you could see inside of me, then surely you would know
That beneath my bad behavior is a kid who needs you so
I need to feel your love for me - I need your caring smile
I need to be important each day, if only for a while
I need for all your wisdom to pour out onto me
It might not sink in right away - but one day it will, you'll see
I need a lot of patience - I need a calming voice
I need someone to show me how to make a better choice
I know it won't be easy - I'll push and test you often
But surely, teacher, you must know that hard hearts can be softened
So see me as your challenge, your calling and your task
And search until you've found the good that's hidden behind the mask
I love working with you all to help our children reach Nothing Less Than Their Success.  Have a great weekend.

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