

Sunday, February 7, 2016

One school, one team, one vision....Student Success!

Good Morning DCE Movers and Groovers,

We have been digging deeply to find what every child needs at DCE. It might be an enriched assignment, behavior plan, speech therapy, interventions or special education. While working closely with the core team, special educators and general educators, I have realized that we all have the same vision. We want all students to "get" what we are teaching. Teaching is figuring out how to "reach" every child. 

Three words that we hear, see, and use interchangeably have become part of our daily vocabulary.
    1. Accommodation- a change that gives a child equal access to learning.
    2. Intervention- systematic process of assessment and planning to remediate or prevent a problem.
    3. Strategy- a set of methods or activities to teach. 

Please watch this quick video that illustrates a school's approach to differentiated instruction. 

OUR GOAL: Each child will be able to demonstrate the standards with at least 70% accuracy.
Here is a link to a great article and video:

Please take some time to view the video and reflect on your differentiated instruction. We have the same goal as the school in the video: Student Success! Our students are well on their way. Thanks for all you do to make this happen. 


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