

Friday, December 4, 2015

Coincidence or Not???

Good Morning Deep Creek Family,

The week off at thanksgiving was a much needed and refreshing break. Everyone has come back ready to get our i-Ready testing done. It is exciting when you share the high points of your results. We must celebrate these things so we don't beat ourselves up over the other things. Using this data to diagnosis student needs for the remaining instructional time is key. I am thankful we will receive our results before the break so when we return we can begin immediately with the prescriptive plan you design. 

I titled this MMM after this picture someone posted on Facebook. I had never seen it before but maybe you have. I agree coincidence or not it really substantiates what we all know to be true, our attitudes mean the most. Things we emphasize, students comprehend. Things we think are important, students think they are important too. Things we care about, our student care about. We have seen this in our families with our own siblings or children and then after becoming a teacher we see the same thing happen with our students. 
It is that time of year where the district asks you to fill out a survey rating this school. I am including the link and directions below. Wyatt will do his best to make sure all students take the survey during computer lab time. The window for students and staff to complete the climate survey will open December 4th and remain open until December 18th, 2015. You can access the survey via the link that is located in the "breaking news" section of the district website or click below. 

District Survey:

We are not required to do the surveys below. We simply would like specific data about ourselves so that we can reflect, learn, and grow as well. The two surveys below are completely anonymous. We are NOT collecting log in information.  

McElroy Survey:

Vernon Survey:

“Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things. If it is heeded in time, danger may be averted; if it is suppressed, a fatal distemper may develop.”

~ Winston Churchill

Thank you in advance for your time to provide us with feedback. 

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