

Monday, May 31, 2021

Our countdown is nearly finished.  We have almost crossed the finish line.  Just four days to go.  

This weekend I was looking through posts on Instagram and saw many people across the country posting about staff leaving for summer and surviving a year of working in a school during a pandemic.  It seemed surreal.  The staff looked tired... yet proud and accomplished.  They looked defeated... yet humbled and satisfied.  Did we also just really live through holding in person school for students during a pandemic too?  We did! This year we all, no matter our role on campus, worked hard and faced challenges that didn't seem to be possible in our lifetime.  As you enjoy this last few days on campus with students and your peers, take some time to recognize what you have overcome.  Think through the faculty meeting topics at the beginning of the year, the ever changing requirements for exclusions and safety protocols, and the ongoing difficulty of students and staff coming and going this year.  Take time to also celebrate what you were able to accomplish on top of your already full plates.  You loved on kids and made them feel comfortable and safe being back in school, you leant eachother helping hands when areas needed cleaned or lesson plans needed prepping for a coworker, you delivered items to students that were home sick, and you held amazing events to help families and students still feel connected.  

You smashed the Impossible Mission that 2020-2021 threw at you.  Sure, you are tired.  We, too, are ready for a breather.  But, James and I couldn't be more proud of how you handeled this challenging and humbling year.  Without a doubt, you rose to the challenge that James put on you at the start of the year when he said that we needed to be the staff in the county the stayed focused on our effort and attitude.  He said we wouldn't be the staff that settled into excuses or let ourselves forget that we were here for the kids.  You did just that.  Almost daily, you stopped and checked in on each other, or on us.  You stepped up to find ways to think out of the box to make school special.  You are amazing.  You have survived.  Thank you for being you.  You truly deserve all the sunshine that summer time has in store for you.

Admin Off Campus:

James and I will be off campus on Wednesday and Thursday this week to attend our last two days of training with the Department of Education.  We are excited for this opportunity, but realize it is somewhat bad timing.  We have asked Phebe Westby, our district Language Arts Curriculum and Instruction Specialist, to serve as our replacement for the day.  Phebe is a former DCE teacher and is a wealth of knoweldge.  She'll be an awesome help to any of you that need it!

Fire Drill:

We have a fire drill scheduled for Wednesday, but are trying to move it.  This is a stinky day as we will be off campus and there is a good chance of rain all week.  Although it seems silly to hold a drill, it is required because students are on campus in the month of June.  Due to the likelihood of rain, we are tentaively planning to try to hold the drill TUESDAY afternoon at 1:50 pm if the skies are clear.  Please be preapred for a drill at any time this week when it is sunny outside if it happens to rain Tuesday afternoon.

5th Grade Rocket Day:

Our fifth grade team will be taking classes outside to participate in Rocket Day on Thursday, June 3.  The students will be launching their rockets from the Deep Creek Walker sidwalk into the fields.  Because of this, we will need to have you avoid the field area most of the day.  The playground equipment and basketball court will be fine for use.  

Retirements/Farewells Breakfast:

We will be holding a staff meeting on June 7 at 8:30 am for the entire staff.  This will be an opportunity for us to gather together for one last breakfast and to say our goodbyes to our retirees and to staff that are moving on to new places.  We will meet in the cafeteria so we can spread out.


Just a reminder that paraprofessionals work this year on our teacher work day, which is June 7.  If you are a para in a CD room, please report to your assigned classroom.  If you are a grade level para, please report to the program planner's room.  If the teachers do not need assistance, please come by the office.  We have some projects that we could use your help for if you are up for organizing!

End of Year Checklist:

If you are a paraprofessional with a chromebook checked out, please be sure to turn it in to me in my office before you leave for summer.  You will need to wrap your powercord and place it on top of your chromebook.  

Teachers, please be sure to complete your end of year checklist.  Once your room is ready, please call James or me and we will come by your room to sign you off.

Open Positions:

We are currently still looking for two teachers for our CD classrooms for next year.  We will also be interviewing soon for our Reading Recovery position.  This summer we will be posting open paraprofessional positions as well.  If you know anyone that is interested in becoming a Cub, please help us spread the word!

This Week's Schedule:

Happy last four days.  Please reach out to us via email or text if you need anything while we are gone. 

-Keli and James