

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 11.15.20

Monday Morning Memo 11/15/20

Teacher and Support Employee of the Year:

Thank you to everyone that took the time to send in a nomination for a teacher and support employee that reflects the qualities that DCE represents as a school.  We have tallied up the nominations and sent the staff members with the most nominations on to our parent committee.  They will be working the next few days to read the blind nominations (names were removed) to select the winners for each category.  We are excited to announce who our winners are in just a few days!

Formal Observations:

As we have previously mentioned, there are new forms that need to be completed this year in connection with your formal observation.  You will access these forms in your Records icon in your Classlink account.  The pre-observation form provides you with a place to upload your lesson plan for your formal observation.  On this form you will also need to answer several questions related to some of the non-observable elements that you will be scored on this year.  The post-observation form will be completed following your lesson and will allow you to complete information on your lesson in a reflective way for additional non-observable elements.  

Important Notes:

*We will need you to complete these forms at least 24 hours in advance of your scheduled pre and post conference meetings.  This will allow us time to review them and be prepared to discuss them with you.

*It is recommended that you take a look at these forms now.  You can begin drafting your answers and save your progress until you are ready to submit.  


In the next few days we will be sending out dates and times for you to begin scheduling your meetings and your observation.  All meetings and your observation are due before Spring break.  You may want to consider scheduling early in case there is something you want us to come back to see or that you want to submit evidence for following your observation and scoring.  

Food Pantry:

Ms. Navarro has set up a small food pantry in her office.  If you have a student that is need of food, please be sure to arrange for them to visit her office.  She has shopping bags ready so the students can "shop" at her mini grocery store.  She is always looking for the donation of items as well!  We appreciate all Ms. Navarro does for our Cubs and their families!

Weekly Schedule:

We hope you had a restful weekend. Can't wait to see you Monday morning!
-Keli and James

Sunday, November 8, 2020

Monday Morning Memo 11.8.20

Monday Morning Memo 11.8.20

Stay Safe:

What would 2020 be without a little more excitement?  As you heard, school has been canceled for Monday, November 9 due to Tropical Storm Eta.  Please be sure that you prepare your homes this evening and that you stay safe as there is expected to be wind and rain tonight and throughout tomorrow.  No staff is permitted on campus at this time until the schools have been inspected following the storm and deemed as safe.  We will continue to update you via email as we receive additional information from the district about school openings/closings the remainder of the week.  Our next call is tomorrow at 11:30 am.  Stay safe!  We will be in touch soon.


As this week is somewhat up in the air depending on the path the storm takes, our schedule will need to be adjusted as we learn more.  Below is the tentative schedule for this week.  For those of you that are missing a testing day we will need to adjust.  We have not heard if the testing window will be extended, but please know that it is very likely that we will need to be flexible and fit it in as possible. 

Have a great evening and enjoy some time with your family tomorrow snuggling up.  Stay safe!
-Keli and James